胸部 thorax
胸骨 sternum
胸骨柄 manubrium sterni
颈静脉切迹 jugular notch
胸骨角 sternal angle
胸骨体 body of sternum
剑突 xiphoid process
肋 ribs
肋骨 costal bone(true/false ribs)
肋弓 costal arch
浮肋 floating ribs
肋间隙 intercostal space
前正中线 anterior median line
胸骨线 lateral sternal line
锁骨中线 midclavicular line
胸骨旁线 parasternal line
腋前线 anterior axillary line
腋中线 midaxillary line
腋后线 posterior axillary line
肩胛线 scapular line
脊柱旁线 paravertebral line
后正中线 posterior median line
腋窝 axillary fossa
胸大肌 pectoralis major
胸小肌 pectoralis minor
锁骨下肌 subclavius
前锯肌 serratus anterior
肩胛下肌 subscapularis
大圆肌 teres major
小圆肌 teres minor
背阔肌 latissimus dorsi
斜方肌 trapezius
肩胛提肌 levator scapulae
菱形肌 rhomboideus
三角肌 deltoid
冈上肌 supraspinatus
冈下肌 infraspinatus
肋间外肌 intercostales externi
肋间内肌 intercostales interni
肋间最内肌 intercostales intimi
胸横肌 transversus thoracis
腋动脉 axillary a.
胸肩峰动脉 thoracoacromial a.
胸外侧动脉 lateral thoracic a.
肩胛下动脉 subscapular a.
旋肩胛动脉 circumflex scapular a.
胸背动脉 thoracodorsal a.
肋间后动脉 posterior costal a.
肋间后静脉 posterior costal v.
肋间神经 intercostal n.
胸廓内动脉 internal thoracic a.
肌膈动脉 musculophrenic a.
腹壁上动脉 superior epigastric a.
膈 diaphragm
胸肋三角 sternocoatal triangle
腰肋三角 lumbocostal triangle
主动脉裂孔 aortic hiatus
食管裂孔 esophageal hiatus
纵隔 mediastinum
胸膜 pleura
脏层胸膜 visceral pleura
壁层胸膜 parietal pleura
肺韧带 pulmonary ligament
胸膜腔 pleural cavity
肋胸膜 costal pleura
膈胸膜 diaphragmatic pleura
纵隔胸膜 mediastinal pleura
颈胸膜 cervical pleura
胸膜顶 cupula
胸膜隐窝 pleural recess
肋膈隐窝 costodiaphragmatic recess
肋纵隔隐窝 costomediastinal recess
胸腺 thymus
头臂静脉 brachicephalic v.
上腔静脉 superior vena cava
奇静脉 azygus v.
主动脉弓 aortic arch
头臂干 brachiocephalic trunk
颈总动脉 common carotid a.
锁骨下动脉 subclavian a.
膈神经 phrenic n.
气管 trachea
气管杈 bifurcation of trachea
气管隆突 carina of trachea
心包 pericardium
纤维心包 fibrous pericardium
浆膜心包 serous pericardium
心包横窦 transverse sinus of pericardium
心包斜窦 oblique sinus of pericardium
肺 lung
肺尖 apex of lung
肋面 costal surface
膈面 mediastinal surface
肺门 hilum of lung
肺根 root of lung
心切迹 cardiac notch
斜裂 oblique fissure
水平裂 horizontal fissure
主支气管 principal bronchus
支气管树 bronchial tree
段支气管 segmental bronchus
支气管肺段 bronchopulmonary segment